
Sea Water

When you were a child, did you do this, too?

This act of my niece, Christine Anne, made me recall a story of a little boy playing by the seashore. He dug a small well in the sand and took water from the sea and filled it. While he was doing so, a man asked him. "What are you doing?
The boy answered, "I am putting all the water in the sea to this well."

I laughed at this story. I find it funny 'cause there are times that I think and behave like this little boy, too. The sad thing is, I don't even notice it sometimes.

I would only believe on what I think and won't listen to others.
Sometime I even forget to use my common sense, or worse, forget I have one.
Indeed there are a lot of impossible things in this world.
Like, yes, literally putting all the water in the sea in a well. Like getting healthy without watching what we eat. Like losing weight without observing a diet and exercise.

  Like wishing our prayers be granted without having faith. Like going to heaven with only faith and prayers without good works.

There is an old adage that says; "If you can't beat them, join them". 
This words reminds me of my one behavior with God. When I pray on something and feels that God does not approve, this adage help me deal with my emotions. 

Having short of breath is one thing I hate. Of course, I have ashma.  If I fight with God and insist my will, I will definitely have a short of breath, so what I would do is to just obey.  I would tell myself, "Bea, you can never beat God, so why not join God, huh?"
Indeed we can never put all the sea water in a well, so why not just leave it there!

Let us be contented with where we are and with what we are.
Let us focus on what we have and not on what we do not have.
Let us want what we have and not those that we do not have.
Let us live in the present and not in the future or past.

 To be truly at ease with all that you are and all that you have, this is contentment.


If the only prayer you said in your whole life is  "thank you",  that would suffice -- Meister Eckhart




One early morning I received an SMS from a friend. He was asking a prayer for his product presentation in front of possible clients.  I didn’t help myself from smiling and I said to myself, “Now it’s his turn.

I answered back to him what he told me when I was in his shoes.

Years back I also asked this friend for a prayer. I would be playing the guitar during a prayer vigil in a retreat seminar. What he texted back struck me.

He said,” Manang Betty, you have been playing the guitar for years, and now you will only play for an hour. Don’t worry. You can handle it”.

A cyberfriend  also told me I don’t need luck, I have lots of it.

Boy, they have so much trust in me, than I am on myself!  They seem to know me that much.

I felt good and inspired with what they said and my guitar concert went very well.

What they said also brought me to my senses and I was recently reminded of it again.

It is alright to ask God’s help in everything that I do but, but sometimes I can’t help becoming like a baby. I get used to crawling and forget that I can already stand on my own.

Sometimes, I lose confidence with myself.  I forget I already know things. I get pessimistic.  I focus on my weaknesses. I focus on negative things which makes me feel afraid and forget about trusting myself.

And it would take other people to make me see that, hey, I have grown up.

This is true with my relationship with God.

Sometimes I become so worried about myself being so bad I might end up in hell. 

I would sometimes think that whatever bad things that happened to my life is caused by my mistakes and wrong decisions and hence, I am going to suffer for the rest of my life.

I get paranoid.

Thank God for these kinds of friends. Made me realize  that I am a child of God and that He is crazy, and desperately in love with me that He would make everything well for me.  

Isn’t it great having that kind of a crazy God?

Well, he doesn’t know I’m crazier in love with Him, than He does for me…! 

Hmmm….. I think it is more like the other way around…..! *:-))))

God Bless You!
                                                            --- --- ---

*Manang, is a local name for an elder sister.



Hair Rebonding

How else do you take care of your hair?  

Hair Rebonding  is the latest and the most popular technique used today that transforms  unmanageable wavy and curly locks to a set of glossy, straight tresses having an appearance of a layer of black satin. It is the dream of all stylish women to have beautiful hair. Hair Rebonding change this dream to a reality. This is one of the most happening fashion trend followed by the girls of the present generation that does not exclude me.

I went to a beauty parlor yesterday to have my hair rebonded. Though it was already in my budget, but upon hearing how much it would cost me, I suddenly felt guilty.  

For days now, I have been thinking about my sick cousin.  It really pained me when during the time that she needed financial support, I wasn’t able to help her. My grandmother was also in the ICU at that time and I had to help my mother for her financial needs. My guilt came from the thought of spending that big amount for myself and not being able to help my cousin. Hence, I ended up having my hair relaxed and cellophaned. It cost me half of the price of hair rebonding.

I and my siblings went to visit my cousin this weekend.  She is so different now. She used to be so healthy, chubby, alive, and jolly. Now she is skin and bones. Weak and sad. Her face glowed upon seeing us. She just came out from a week hospital confinement. She should have gone under the knife but since the doctor didn’t promise her a good chance after, she decided to go home and wait on God’s will for her life. She is ready to die.

My cousin is younger than me, and I pity her. She could not enjoy her life to the full. She has been suffering so much now.

Her word’s continue to linger in my mind until now.  She said; “ If I only knew this thing would happen to me, I would have taken good care of my body. Now I tell my sister to stop eating the food that I have been eating or we were fond to eat. “  She said she recalls the time when I visited their place and I brought my own water with me. Now she understands why.

I remember when we were young, one thing I would look forward to spend weekends in their place is eating dried fish.  It was like in every meal there is dried fish and I would eat a lot. At home, we eat dried fish once in a blue moon and just little. In them, I eat as much as I want.

She recalls that when she had a job, she made a budget for junk foods, another budget for canned foods and drink soft drinks (soda) in almost every meal. These were the food that she would only dreamt of eating when she was younger. She drink less water, too.

I remember my officemate telling me not to have a hair rebonded because it’s expensive maintaining it. You have to spend a monthly treatment in order to maintain its fullness and shine.  But it’s worth it

In order to have good health, our body needs special treatment, too, not monthly but daily.  It is also` expensive but it’s worth it.

Today I am thankful  that during our younger days, my mother could only afford to give us transportation allowance to school, hence, I couldn’t buy the food that I wanted which were mostly junk foods. My father was a fruit lover, too. I remember how he would make delicious milk and avocado mix for us. It would then be our viand.  We don’t miss eating almost all kinds of local fruits in season.  Well, except expensive fruits like grapes, durian, mangoestin, apple and etc. When I got a job, I bought all those fruits that I missed and ate as much as I want. 

It was my father who influenced me to eat fruits but due to financial constraints when I was younger, I am not able to eat so much. (My father died when I was eleven years old).  

Some time ago, I was on an on-the-job training in another branch, I was having lunch with one of my officemates when someone  noticed her eating grapes and apple. She said; “starting today I will make it a point to eat fruits every day like Bea”. I was surprised to hear that. I didn’t think she would seriously take what I shared to her.

I feel sad to note that most younger people that I know today are not aware of the importance of eating plant foods. They are used to eating little or not at all of it. I would tell them then, “when you reach my age, you will feel the need to eat plant food and would eat all kinds that you can see, even the kind that you hate to eat now”.  I can’t really stand not to speak out whenever I see my friends or officemates not eating fruits and vegies. It’s a good thing that in my new work assignment now, I am surrounded by older and health conscious officemates. I get to eat many kinds of plant foods.

I don’t really have a healthy body, but I am striving to have one. 

I have not a good hair but I am spending to have a good one.

For me, taking care of our body is a lifetime obligation not only to ourselves but also to God. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. We need to take care of our body, just as well as our soul.   
Spending for hair rebonding  is a short-term investment. 

Spending for our health is a lifetime investment.

Where would you want to invest?  

 Choose your pick.

Photo shot by the real "Anin" - J-anne Nina



New Breed of True Millionaires

Do you want to be a millionaire? I do. I desperately do!

It has been my dream to become a philanthropist. I always pray that God will make me an instrument to bless many people.

There were times when I passed by a Lotto outlet, I would start dreaming of what I am going to do with my winnings.  If I buy tickets and didn’t win, I would say, maybe having a lot of money won’t be good for me. Maybe pride and selfishness will engulf me and make me forget my dreams making me a very bad and unhappy person.Of course, how will I even win when I don't even buy the tickets.

I believe I cannot give what I do not have. I have to make a way to have millions so I can help as much as I want.  I have started my little way years back. Other step I do, I’m sharing it here.

I got this prayer that I pray every day  from the book  8 Secrets of the Truly Rich by Bo Sanchez. He is one of my great mentors.  I have already been experiencing some of the benefits of this prayer. Though honestly I am still far far away from becoming a millionaire. 

It’s up to you if you would want to join us.

God’s New Breed of True Millionaire’s Prayer.

Today, I ask You to bless me so that I may become a blessing.
Lord, I commit myself to enrich others.
But because I cannot give what I do not have,
I commit myself to become rich.
I commit myself to serve You and to serve the poor with my wealth.
Today, I open myself to the abundance of Your universe.
                 Use me as Your channel of love.                      .
Give me the ability to create wealth that will bless the world
Increase my financial wisdom and expand my territories.
I place my life in Your hands. Amen.

To be a member of  God’s New Breed of Millionaires, one has to pray this prayer daily aside from, of course, doing something to  make this dream come true.

To start becoming a millionaire, join Bo Sanchez Truly Rich Club where you get a lot of dose of wisdom and gain financial wealth and spiritual abundance.


Wealth Belief

God wants us to live life to the full and have it abundantly. He wanted to bless us more than we know.  But actually we don’t really believe Him. Unconsciously we only pray for the things that we think we deserve. We give limitations to God’s providence. We tend to equate our sins with the blessing we receive. We don’t believe we can achieve our dreams and be wealthy despite our weaknesses. With this kind of belief, no matter what we do, we don’t get what we really wanted. 

I am not immune to this belief also.  Even now I am still struggling to eradicate, if not completely, this wrong belief that I have.  For a few years now, I have been making a special daily exercise to help me with and it is superbly working.  (See my related blogs, Word Power and Say Your Future.)

Below is a copied wealth belief from a famous preacher and writer.  I just made little revisions in it. I was happy when he mentioned it can be copied because I can’t think of what my personal wealth belief should be at that time. My other motive is that, I wanted to become like him, so maybe it would be great to pray just as he does, or to pray what he prays and be blessed as he would be! (Wise thought, huh?)


1.       I am God’s beloved and it is His great happiness to bless me.
2.       God’s river of blessings is flowing to me at every moment of my life
3.       Everything I need comes to me
4.       I am always meeting wonderful people that bless me and make me grow
5.       I am blessed with great relationships
6.       I am anointed by God to serve and bless the world
7.       I inspire every person I meet, talk and smile at
8.       I am a brilliant and wise investor and entrepreneur
9.       I am a fantastic communicator
10.   Money is flowing to me in great abundance
11.   I can earn any amount I choose
12.   I’m a blessing magnet
13.   I am guided by God at every moment

God gave us wisdom and knowledge that we may use to reach our dreams. Let us not be easily diswayed by our wrong belief of ourselves. God created us better than we thought we are.We just have to be open to His promptings so we become like what He has created us to be.

May yours and my dreams come true!

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