
Good Friday Procession 2015

To most people, the procession on Good Friday is the highlight of the Holy Week. As a child, I would look forward to see tableaux with life-size statue of Jesus and the people during his time.
Semana Santa (H0ly Week 0r Easter Week in English), is the m0st imp0rtant date in the Christian Calendar. It c0mmem0rates the life and death 0f Jesus Christ -- His passi0n and resurrecti0n.

Semana Santa is 0bserved in different ways thr0ugh0ut the c0untry. Vari0us traditi0ns and rites ab0und t0 celebrate this sacred week. In s0me parts 0f the c0untry, it is celebrated with s0lemn pr0cessi0n 0f tableaux depicting epis0des fr0m the Way 0f the Cr0ss and statues 0f Dolorosa - M0st S0rr0wful M0ther -- and 0ther significant female characters in the bible that were present during the passi0n 0f Jesus.

This event happens 0n G00d Friday 0r Biernes Sant0. In l0cal dialect we call these tableaux 0r carriages as "paso".  A pr0cessi0n is held in the street where pe0ple g0es behind these carriages. A gr0up 0f pe0ple prays the r0sary with s0ngs in between decades.
This is 0ne traditi0nal event I am thankful f0r where I am able t0 share in Jesus sufferings.


















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