Semana Santa (H0ly Week 0r Easter Week in English), is the m0st imp0rtant date in the Christian Calendar. It c0mmem0rates the life and death 0f Jesus Christ -- His passi0n and resurrecti0n.
Semana Santa is 0bserved in different ways thr0ugh0ut the c0untry. Vari0us traditi0ns and rites ab0und t0 celebrate this sacred week. In s0me parts 0f the c0untry, it is celebrated with s0lemn pr0cessi0n 0f tableaux depicting epis0des fr0m the Way 0f the Cr0ss and statues 0f D0l0r0sa - M0st S0rr0wful M0ther -- and 0ther significant female characters in the bible that were present during the passi0n 0f Jesus.
This event happens 0n G00d Friday 0r Biernes Sant0. In l0cal dialect we call these tableaux 0r carriages as pas0. A pr0cessi0n is held in the street where pe0ple g0es behind these carriages. A gr0up 0f pe0ple prays the r0sary with s0ngs in between decades.
The pr0cessi0n starts with St. Peter.
St. Peter - the gate keeper 0f heaven. |
Why d0 m0st pe0ple g0 with St. Peter? N0, its n0t that they wanted t0 enter heaven ahead 0f every0ne.
It is s0 that they c0uld see all the carriages after their pr0cessi0n, since St. Peter is the first carriage. This makes him have the l0ngest line 0f pe0ple. S0 being a spectat0r, y0u have t0 wait a while bef0re y0u c0uld see the next carriage.
Jesus at the garden 0f Getsemani |
I walked bef0re this carriage t0night. The line 0f pe0ple was s0 l0ng. The walk was s0 sl0w. The atm0sphere was that pe0ple was really having a religi0us pr0cessi0n. Many were praying the r0sary al0ud and s0me , including me, pray silently. I like praying al0ne silently because I c0uld meditate m0re. I get s0 exhausted reciting it and gets sh0rt 0f breath after.
0ne reality that can n0t be denied and ign0red is that s0me pe0ple just d0 n0t pray but instead have chit chats with friends, especially the teens, during prcessi0n. It can be disturbing t0 m0st but it is 0ne big distructi0n, 0ne, including me, has t0 bear. An0ther sacrifice aside fr0m walking.
The Last Supper | | | | |
Jesus c0mf0rted by an angel |
Judas m0ving 0n t0 kiss Jesus |
Jesus in fr0nt 0f P0ntius Pilate |
Jesus in the Pillar 0f st0nes |
Jesus resting after heavy beatings |
Jesus falls f0r the first time |
Jesus meeting w0men |
Jesus with Sim0n f Cyrene |
Jesus carrying the cr0ss with guards beating Him |
The face 0f Jesus 0n Ver0nica s handkerchief |
Jesus falls the sec0nd time |
Jesus carrying the cr0ss |
Jesus stripped 0ff His garemnts |
Jesus nailed t0 the cr0ss with the thieves |
0ne 0f these thieves are literally a pr0fessi0nal thief even unt0 death! Stealing heaven at that. But, 0f c0urse, it was n0t in his mind when he asked Jesus t0 take him with Him.
Jesus with His m0ther |
Jesus empty cr0ss |
The dead b0dy 0f Jesus |
It is nice t0 f0ll0w this carriage because in here y0u alms0t never st0p praying until y0u enter the church. This is where the Bish0p and priests and seminarians f0ll0w. A real religi0us pr0cessi0n fr0m the beginning t0 end. Unlike in alm0st all carriages. when it is nearing the church it is n0 l0nger a pr0cessi0n but a marath0n. Pe0ple are tired and in a hurry t0 g0 h0me and eat and rest.
D0l0r0sa | |
Beautiful carriages can be seen during the pr0cessi0n but bef0re it arrives in the church, pe0ple f0rcibly takes all the fl0wers and leaves believing it is already blessed. I wish I c0uld make pe0ple st0p thinking like that. But it has bec0me a traditi0nal belief 0f many. S0me keep it as medicine,
anting-anting, and etc. Hence, it can be 0bserved that s0me carriages have plastic fl0wers and 0nly few real 0nes. Well, 0f c0urse f0r ec0n0mic reas0ns. They can use it again and again.
In 0ne place that I lived bef0re, it is 0nly the fl0wers in the St0. Intier0 carriage that pe0ple w0uld get and s0 carriage 0wners lavishly dec0rates their carriages with expensive fl0wers. Real fl0wers and n0t plastic.
Every place has indeed its unique way 0f 0bserving Semana Santa... R0xas City included...
This is 0ne traditi0nal event I am thankful f0r where I am able t0 share in Jesus sufferings.