
Good Friday Procession 2017

"Biernes Santo" or Good Friday. This is the most awaited day of Lent for the Catholic faithful. Though this is not really the highlight, most people prepares for this activity. This is when a procession of different tableaux or carriages depicting the passion of Jesus Christ is held. People walk behind each carriages praying and reflecting. 

Lent is also one season where families get to bond for a religious activity. 
Since we now belong to a new parish, our family  had a new experience. Like we saw new but fewer carriages. There were lesser distractions during procession  since there were fewer people compared to our previous parish.

This is St. Vincent Ferrer Mission Station


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Sounds like a mountain, huh! But it's not.

One day I had my car blessed by a priest.

“Father, can you please bless my car?” I  asked.

“Sure.” he said. 

I thought  he would be expecting a brand new one and  don’t want to frustrate him so I said, 

 “Father it’s second hand,  my brand new Ford car is still on the way. When it arrives I would already be an excellent driver.” I told him. I know it would sound a joke to him but for me it was a prayer.

“Yes, next time it will be a brand new
 Everest," he said.

Oh my...!  I just said Ford car now he's saying Everest! I led him to my car. I know he was also joking.

The next day, when I reported for work, the tricycle that I rode stopped at the back of a car parked in front of our office. It was as if my head was really led to the direction of  the car’s butt where there was an ingraved letters FORD and below it was EVEREST!

So, Everest is a FORD car!


"Allow yourself to be surprised by God.” 

This was one of the messages of Pope Francis when he visited the Philippines in 2015.

Yes, indeed! God’s surprises can come in funny moment such as this.

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