Jomar Hilario is the Internet marketing and virtual professional training guru of the Philippines.

Many OFWS, single parents and stressed-out employees have thanked Jomar for opening their eyes on how to get a monthly income online. 
Small and medium entrepreneurs have thanked him for his easy-to-understand online instructions that yielded up to 95 percent increase in sales, in one case.
Because of this, Jomar is known to be the Tim Ferriss (The 4-Hour Work Week author) of the Philippines. 
Jomar is the founder of the Virtual Careers Summit and How to Work from Home as a Virtual Assistant Seminar. He also has several online coaching clubs: The Online Mentoring Club and the Instant Virtual Skills Club. 

His entrepreneur-only club, the Marketing Success Formula, is the venue to hire well-trained virtual professionals and learn from Jomar directly.
Jomar stays ahead of the times by studying strategic thinking of billionaires and big thinkers. 
He lives in Manila, Philippines but spends a lot of time visiting other places with his family. 
Visit his blog at

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