
A Touch of God on Christmas

I was reading a Kerygma magazine while waiting for my flight to Manila. The topic was about being Jesus to others. It was a calling to me for that day. But instead, I said, “Lord, I am lazy today, can you be Jesus to me instead?” 

God took my half meant prayer seriously. A friend  was just so happy to find me seated where I was. When we arrived in Manila, he offered to give me a ride to the place where I am going to stay. I can see God smiling at me as I was smiling twice as He was.

On my way back home I remembered my previous trip. I wondered if God will be “Jesus” to me again that day. What I meant was if someone would give me a free ride home again from the airport.  This thought was playing on my mind when suddenly a teenager came to me and ask me something.  He was wondering why he wasn’t asked to pay for a terminal fee when his uncle was telling him he needs to pay one . Obviously, he was already in the waiting area before boarding, and he was still afraid he could not ride a plane. I explained to him it was already included in the ticket he bought online. He thankfully left with an assurance that he could ride a plane home. We were not in the same flight.

Obviously,  God didn’t send Jesus to me this time but instead, I was sent me to be Jesus to others.

Inside the plane, on my way back to my seat from the toilet, somebody greeted me. To my surprise, it was my high school classmate.  For me, it was actually God who surprised me and not my classmate. You see, she has a car! As I expected, she gave me free ride home. 

I was arguing with God one night. I said I won’t pay for a make up artist for our  Christmas party presentation contest. I was angry. I don’t want to spend some more. I had already spend some for our uniform.The next day, I received a phone call. Somebody was ordering Guyabano capsule. I didn’t expect to receive the payment right away. The amount was more than enough for my make up fee.  I felt tears falling down my check.  

Those tears were not all for joy or thanksgiving. For me it was more than that. It was a loving touch of God. I could hear Him say, “Hey, I’m here. I never leave you. My love for you is still the same.” Indeed he cares for me, all of me. Everything that I have, my needs, my concerns, my future, my loved ones, everything. As in EVERYTHING. But I forgot.

For quite some time I felt God was far away. It was like He’s changed a lot. He wasn’t that close to me anymore. Then I remember what I told my cousin abroad who felt something like this too. I told her, “It is actually us who are going away from God. The truth is, God is going after us. He loves to be closer to us." Now it’s time I tell this to myself. 

I already knew this but I just need someone to say it to me so I can grasp the message well. Does it sounds familiar? 

The truth is, I was the one who went away from him. Who have been ignoring him, not for some time, but more time. I have been lazy. I was busy with a lot of things, like my job, my balloon business. Many things of this world has caught my attention like Christmas parties, preparing gifts, making a Christmas budget (the hardest!) and  yes!, including the loss of Manny Pacquiao, the Miss Universe First Runner up Janine Tugonon, Typhoon Pablo victims, and many others.  My personal concerns has affected my trust and faithfulness to God. I just need to re-order my priorities and manage my time well. 

For me, this is the true meaning of Christmas that has become real to me. He loves me and cares for every details of my life. This is why He came.

God is reaching for us. We are His pearl of great price. To Him, we are almost of equal value with His son.  Imagine how much He loves us?

God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son. That whosoever believe in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

May we not lose sight of God’s loving touch not just during Christmas season but in our daily life.

I Hope everyone had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Note: I make Guyabano/Soursop capsule primarily for family consumption. Some I sell to friends who order. We also make balloon arrangement for any occassions.



Today is the birth of the Catholic Church. This is when;

"Suddenly there was a noise from the sky which sounded like a strong wind blowing, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire which spread out and touched each person there. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to talk in other languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak." Act 2:2-4

This is the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the  twelve apostles, the Blessed Virgin Mary and other followers of Jesus

The Catholic Church celebrates Pentecost Sunday, seven weeks or 50 days after Easter Sunday. The Greek word for 50 is pentecost.

 Jesus has ascended into heaven but He sent the Spirit so that believers could have the comfort, guidance and empowerment of God's presence in their lives.The Spirit that enabled them to proclaim God's world to all the world.

On this day, the believers were given the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, namely;

The gifts of Wisdom, Counsel, Understanding, Fortitude, Knowledge, Fear of God, Piety.

With the mention of these gifts, I can't help singing a memorable song that I learned when I was younger, which we sung in celebration of the Pentecost Sunday, too. Let me share the lyrics of the song. I used to sing this song as part of my prayer, singing it again and again.

                 COME HOLY SPIRIT; The Fruits

Refrain:  Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful
              Enkindle in them the fire of Your love.
              Send forth Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth

I.    Spirit of wisdom, teach me to despise
       The perishable things of this world
      And aspire only after the things, that are eternal

II.   Spirit of counsel, show me the sweet way of
      Pleasing God and heaven
      Spirit of fortitude help me overcome
     With courage all the obstacles that oppose my salvation

III.  Spirit of understanding, enlighten my minds
      With the light of Your Divine truth.
      Spirit of piety, guide me to find
      The service of God sweet and amiable.

                               INSTRUMENT OF CHANGE

You have fulfilled God's promise that we shall not be alone
Let Your light be our guide, in the road to everlasting life

Chorus: Come Holy Spirit renew the face of the earht
             In my heart, with Your light thru Your might.
             Change the world

Thru Your gifts. We shall be strong to face the world seemed lost.
Let Your love be our strength, to witness to God's word at any cost

With Your fire, we have the warmth to fill the empty hearts
Overflow, 'till we grow in the faith and hope with love to carry on

Coda: May I be a temple of Your Divine Spirit.
         To be an instrument of change.
          Renew the face of the earth. (Chorus)

May we continue to allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives as we open our hearts to His promptings.

Happy Birthday to one and all!


Lolo's Smile

This is not frequent, a once in a blue moon moment with my grandfather that I treasure in my heart.


              I woke up one very early morning. I have to catch up for the second trip to the next town where I work. It was Monday and I must not be late. After drinking a glass of warm water, I washed my face and hurriedly wrapped my tattered hair with a big handkerchief and took my back pack. On my way to the door, I would pass by Lolo’s room. As usual, it would always be him that I would get to say goodbye every time I would leave this early for work. I would find him playing solitaire. Every time I say my "good bye" to him, sometimes I would find him surprised like he forgot I existed. Sometimes almost shocked that I disturbed him from his meditation with his cards, he would just look at me and nod his head and proceed with his solitaire. Sometimes he would blankly stare at me while I walk away. No expression. I would even suspect if he knows who I am.  I wonder if he thinks I’m a thief? A respectful thief, asking permission to go after stealing something. Huh!?

But this morning was different. This time I was sure he recognized me. He was smiling at me when I told him I was leaving.  He wasn’t surprised or shocked. He was almost laughing. He was looking at me. I thought maybe I had a “morning glory” (muta or dried tears). Maybe he found my unfashionable look so funny that morning even though this has been my attire whenever I travel. Well, I have only red and green bandana.  But no! It wasn’t like the smile he makes when I gave him a cake that he loves when I go home on weekends. There was something in those smiles that stroke like a lightning and was suddenly imprinted permanently in my heart. Ah.... It’s been so long since I saw those smiles. I wonder how he really felt that early morning. There wasn’t just happiness in those smiles but joy. This time it was me that was surprised. After telling him I was leaving, he smiled again and said yes and continued with his solitaire.

                The incident came back to my mind during the mass the next day when at homily, the priest mentioned about making other people happy.  I noticed tears falling down my cheek as I recalled what happened. I wondered what have I done to him that made him smile and laugh at me like that. It’s like a thanksgiving to me. I felt the happiness in those eyes, in those smiles. It showed how contented and happy Lolo is with his life that moment. He was blessed not with material things but with love. Imperfect love from people he has loved imperfectly. God knows how he’s been bad but God never deprived him of being blessed like this especially during this time when he is helpless.
                 I prayed that I would be blessed, even more, like Lolo when I would be old and might also be sick. I wish I would also have someone like Bea beside me.


I wrote this about 5 years ago. My mother took care of him and my Lola when they started to become sickly until they died. Today is his second death anniversary. 

                     I love you and I miss you Lolo!

   Eternal rest grant unto Paterno, Sr. and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in   peace.


Green Thumb

"An extra ordinary ability to make plants grow."

I have it. It is only now that I have given it much attention. Honestly, I had more important things in mind than planting. Also, it is only in recent years that had my own place to plant.

My desire to help the environment increased my desire to plant. Well, aside from being an entrepreneur.

I like to eat fruits, and so my desire to eat more made me also decide to plant fruit trees. For a year now, I have been buying fruits, grow the seeds and when it grows, I gave it to my friends and officemates and to those who wants to plant, too.

Some of my grown seeds I planted in our small lot in the country. I visited the place today and I was amazed how some have grown. Though some had died because nobody takes care of them often. Fortunately, we met a cousin one day and she asked if she could plant vegetables in our small lot so she could sell it in the market. We were so glad she did. Now, someone takes care of my plants there. Plus, we get free vegetables when we visit like today. I brought some of my grown fruit trees and transplanted it.

Guyabano or Soursop

Guyabano or Soursop

Kalamansi with squash crawling around
The small lot is in the middle of a rice field at the foot of the coconut tree
It's not easy planting. I got blister digging holes. My one technique is to dig shallow holes then I just put the plants and top it with lots of soil. I know this is not the right way to do it but somehow I have grown many already.

This is my one gift that I am sharing to you, and to the world.

I hope this could inspire others to plant, too. There are a lot of barren lands. Maybe if others will only be conscious of our environment, somehow we can alleviate some inconveniences that we experience that is caused by our present environment. Sometimes I wish I could easily plant in those spare lands. But I know its impossible.



Holy Week Imperfect Sacrifices

Holy Week  or Easter Week is the most important date in the Christian Calendar. It commemorates the life of Jesus -- His passion and resurrection.

Various rites and traditions are observed to celebrate this sacred week. In our place, just like in other parts of the country, the Good Friday procession is the most awaited rites that Catholics like me looks forward to. It is a solemn procession of tableaux depicting episodes from the Way of the Cross and statues of Dolorosa -- Most Sorrowful Mother - and other significant female characters in the bible that were present during the passion of Jesus.

Parishioners flocks to the church to hear the Seven Last Words of Jesus before He died. The mass is very long during this time. After which the procession starts. But early on, many people are already lined up on the street.

 Some were just spectators

Some do business

The procession went early this year. I didn't know so I was late. When I arrived in front of the church, there were only few carriages left. The sun was still up but the carriage with the dead body of Christ is already moving. At first, I thought it was just going to its line but it was already moving on. This made me stop taking pictures and started to walk before it, starting to pray my Rosary as the procession progressed.

As usual, as the mob troops to the road, some were praying, some were just walking in silence and others were just talking with friends like they were walking at the park.  Others we laughing. These did not fail to distract me from my silent prayer. Many thoughts come to mind. I started to reflect on the things that were happening around me.

The scenario can be likened to our life. When we follow Christ there are a lot of distractions. God allows them to test our faith and faithfulness to Him. He makes us grow and learn to know Him more.

One thought made me laugh. I can see myself behave like everyone else  around me. Not a few times have I been a distraction to others, too. Not a few times have I been disrespectful and disobedient to God. But with all my warts and flaws, God still love me.

Indeed, God loves a so great. He is madly, deeply in love with us. In local dialect "Patay na patay siya sa atin."  And He literally died for us!

God loves us to folly. Our imperfections does not diminish the great love Jesus has for us.

He patiently understand and accepts us as we are. Our distorted belief about God hinders us from receiving His love for us. He is not a punishing God. He will always find ways to bring us back to Him no matter how stubborn we are.

I am grateful for this lenten season. Some of us may not understand the meaning of the various practices we do. Some of us may only be doing them for worldly motives, but I bet God is thankful and happy to see us do such rites.

He is happy to see us being one in  making these little imperfect sacrifices for him.

For a complete pictures of the tableaux or carriages click here.


Bonding with Lola Dela

 (I wrote this article years ago. This is about my Lola or grandmother. I am posting this again in memory of her first death anniversary. Lola was a Marian devotee. She died in her sleep at 90 years old. We have a lot of good and loving memories of her. Though we miss her so much, we are happy where she is now.)

 It was a great relief upon knowing I have to give up a teaching stint aside from my present job. It would mean I could go on with my postponed vacation leave from office. I made a lot of plans, like visiting a beauty parlor and have my hair have its yearly make-over. Spend time playing badminton with my nephews and nieces, sending them to school, read with them, a bonding with my Lolo, and Lola, listening to my mother’s heart and many other things. Unlike my previous vacations, I planned to spend this week mostly at home.

Eventually I learned God had greater plans for my vacations. Oh my, I almost ruined it. It was my first Saturday night at home when my Lola had a fever. The next day she showed me a wound on her feet. She couldn’t remember how she got it. Monday morning we brought her to a doctor and were advised that she needs to be admitted because of infection.  

Obviously, only my mother was available to take care of her in the hospital. Inevitably, I was expected to take turns with her since I have no office.  The thought of staying in the hospital ward was not a very good thing to look forwarded to. Why can’t we just have gone to a private hospital? I would be willing to take care of Lola as long as the room is clean and properly kept and smells nice.  But of course, we couldn’t. We still have remaining obligations there from my Lolo’s hospitalization months ago.

On the second day of my Lola in the hospital, I started to complain to my mother. I began to show some irritation of having to spend my vacation in there.  She just listened to me because she also has no other choice. It was decided that Mama will sleep in the hospital and the next morning, I will relieve her so she can take her bath at home and buy medicine.

 One night before going home, I went to the PEA (Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration chapel). I sat very near the Host to make sure God can clearly hear me. I talked my heart out. I was really upset and angry and furious that things like this should happen on my scheduled vacation and most of all I can not do anything about it. It’s just not fair that I know I am doing the right thing and my feeling contradicts.

 I asked God, “Please take this bad feeling out of me, please Lord.” I kept repeating this phrase when suddenly I was interrupted by a soft and stern voice. “It is not for me to take, it is for you to decide.”  The words seemed like a slap on my face.  As I was silently sitting there, a lot of realizations started to come to mind. 

What have I prayed? I felt stupid.  I was blinded by my personal concerns and forgot about Gods concerns.  Wasn’t it my self knowledge that everything happens for a purpose? God has been doing great things thru me and I was focused on my delayed visit to the parlor and many other things to do at home.

 Then I remembered the dying woman.  After Lola was laid on her assigned bed, I noticed this old woman next to her. She was breathing so loud even with an oxygen on her nose. I was drowsy. While seated, I placed my head down on the bed and slept with her sound as my lullaby. Suddenly I woke up and noticed the silence. Then I heard someone said she’s dead. Her family were silently crying, everyone was just observing and nobody seems to be praying. I found myself repeating “Eternal Rest Grant Unto Her…” After almost tired of my litany, I stood and blessed her with a sign of the cross on her forehead. Didn’t I felt great having prayed for someone on their death bed?

                Yes indeed, it is for me to decide. Will I continue to stay feeling like that or do something about it?  I can not control everything around me.  The only thing that I can control is myself and my emotions. I can not tell Lola to be well and go home. But surely, I can tell myself to be patient. Accept things as they are and change my perspective so that I can heartily do the right thing at the moment. It is for me to decide if I would entertain my negative feelings and eventually ruin my vacation.  

                The next day, when I came to relieve my mother in the hospital, I was happy to learn that she’s sending me out so I could fix my hair and do the things I wanted to do including a night visit to my cousins. The following days I stayed in the hospital but with a different set of mind. To conquer my fears and go beyond my limitations. I was able to endure the different kinds of odor in the hospital ward and be at home to it. Not a few times did I blame my asthma. Maybe if I don’t have it, I would not be too conscious and bear the smell of the room and it would be like perfumes to me.  I pictured the two lepers Mother Theresa picked up and washed and took care. I wished I had a heart and attitude like her so that I could bear accompanying Lola to the comfort room which seemed like a torture to me. I began to feel deep empathy for the people who work as caregivers to elderly. I was also able share tips on how to prevent asthma attack to an asthma patient beside Lola. I shared the importance of having healthy eating habit. I also felt most proud to hear not a few people saying Lola was still very beautiful at 86, and felt a little bit sad not looking like her.

                 I felt great to have bonded with Lola during those moments. I almost forgot it was one of my plans. I enjoyed feeding her with chico, her favorite fruit. Who knows, I might not be able to do this to Lola again. I felt many grandchildren will be envious with me. It makes me feel so great to see how she like and enjoys it when I do loving things for her. It was the sixth times that we went to the CR that afternoon and I didn’t help telling her not to stay long inside because I might have an asthma attack because of the smell. I was touched when she motioned me to go out. I just laughed and felt happy. I knew I just couldn’t leave her there. Oh, how Lola really love me! Mind you, she also worries that I wouldn’t have someone of my own to grow old with that she prays for it daily. She’d tell me that not just a few times. I hope and pray Lola will see her prayers granted for me before she leaves us.

                 God’s plans are always better than mine. In a nutshell, I was able to do the things I planned and a lot more. Since it was weekend, my aunt came to relieve us and I spent the last days of my vacation bonding with my mother, siblings, nephews and nieces at home.

Virtues are earned and not given instantly, hence, since God wants to bless me with it, He gives me a lot of opportunities for me to gain more virtues. It is just but a pity that sometimes I do not recognize it.

What a grand vacation, indeed!



Prayer: "Eternal rest grant unto Adela, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. may she rest it peace. Amen."



New Year's Resolution

It's a new year! Welcome 2012!

As always expected, everyone is thinking and/or making their own new years resolutions. New things to do in the coming year. A new promise to keep to make one's new year a better year than before.

For the past years I also have been making my own new year's resolutions. Most of them I diligently kept. Yes! Well, for a few months only. It was last year that I stopped making one. This will be my second year. I resolved not to make any new years resolutions because I felt guilty of it already. Making one has become tough for me. It wasn't that easy. For me it is a daily struggle that I needed to be reminded. And so in my heart I no longer have "new years resolution" but a "daily resolution."

I attended mass one  afternoon. It was yet two days before new year but I know it would be my last daily mass  for the year 2011. I stayed in  the presence of God at the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel (PEA) and prayed the Rosary. I took it as my last for the year 2011 because I wasn't sure of the following day if I could make all or any of these again before the year ends.

These were one of my new years resolution two years ago, (have more on my list) to attend mass as often as I can. To be with God as often as I can and to pray the Rosary as often as I can. Actually, it should have been daily, but since I knew I couldn't really make it, I made it  "as often as I can." Less pressure and less stress and less guilt and also made it easier to do. Every new year I would try to check on how I fared the previous year and improve them. Almost everyday I read them, too, to  remind me.

God knows us more than we know. We can't hide anything from him. He understands us. Oftentimes we are just the one making things complicated and difficult for us. Like making a simple new years resolution. Sometimes we even think not to make one anymore because we are ashamed of not doing it all through out the year.

God has given us this new year, to give us hope. To remind us that whatever mistakes that we had in the past, as long as we have been sorry for it, He has forgiven us already. He doesn't count them.

Every new year is a chance for us to ponder on our life in the past year. A chance to remember what part of our life we failed and succeeded. A time to know how far have we grown in our spiritual journey. A time to examine ourselves if we lived a kind of life that God has intended it to be.

Life is what we make it.

May we always make every new year an opportunity to make our life better and better, if not the best.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Good Luck, Good Health, God Bless You!

Happy New Year!

May God Continue to Bless us all, abundantly.
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