
Bl0gging Bl0cks

I have just finished reading an email fr0m my ment0r 0n 0nline marketing. The email said  ---- Please buy or clean your keyboard, if you plan on blogging - you can't use that keyboard. I will 0nly talk t0 y0u if y0u will d0 as I say.----

S0unds…. Well,… s0unds like… can n0t write it. He is just s0 right.

I have been asking a l0t 0f things and it makes me feel he is getting impatient with me already. I am sure he g0t a l0t 0f it s0 will c0ntinue t0 ask.

Indeed, if I really wanted t0 be seri0us ab0ut bl0gging, I really need t0 d0 as he says.

I have been receiving emails ab0ut 0nline Marketing c0urses and I really wanted t0 j0in but I just ign0red it. 0ne email w0uld c0me after the 0ther. Until I began t0 start l0gging in my name. Even d0ing that was difficult. I have n0t the letter after N. Thanks t0 number zer0. 0bvi0usly that is what I am using. I kn0w I need t0 use the letter but n0t the number in filling up my name. S0 thanks again t0 0ne computer functi0n 0f c0py and pasting. I am thankful I have my full name in my email addresses s0 I just c0py fr0m there.

I have been bl0gging years back but f0r s0me reas0n I st0pped. Late last year, the desire t0 write came t0 me again. Inspirati0nal th0ughts have been c0ming t0 my mind but I was just lazy. Disc0vering my keyb0ard's failure made me happy t0 have an excuse n0t t0 write again.

I just l0gged in t0 that 0nline Marketing C0urse but did n0t f0ll0w it up. F0r financial reas0n and my defective keyb0ard and my laziness t0 write, even if deep inside I really wanted t0 write. Even if s0metimes it made me guilty because I knew I am n0t using my G0d given talent.

But then….!!! …  I have t0 earn. 0f c0urse I have a stable j0b but I just need t0 earn m0re. I need t0 have a passive inc0me. And this is a very g00d 0pp0rtunity.

If there is a will there is a way. With my defective keyb0ard, I have started t0 write bl0gs again. In fact I have written and p0sted five bl0gs already. With a l0t 0f tr0uble t00. I have been res0urceful and wise. Like, I need t0 revise s0me sentences because I
can n0t make a 0ne w0rd f0r I can n0t, I will n0t, I d0 n0t, because my ap0str0phe key is n0t w0rking, and many 0ther keys. If I need puctuati0n marks, I find and patiently c0py paste s0me w0rd with puctuati0ns s0 I can have the signs and  marks that I want.

N0w I feel I am back t0 myself again. I mean, m0re at ease and relax because I am d0ing things where my passi0n is. I have an0ther 0utlet aside fr0m my j0urnal and the best thing is… I get t0 earn fr0m it in the future!  

Having learned it s0, I felt like I wanted t0 have a vacati0n fr0m w0rk and just write 0n my bl0g. I even th0ught that if 0nly bl0gging c0uld make me earn big instantly, I c0uld resign fr0m my j0b! But I believe that what y0u earn instantly will be taken fr0m y0u instantly as well, hence, I want t0 earn a l0t with my 0wn hardw0rk. T0 earn 0nline is just like that. Even m0re than that if 0ne has a keyb0ard like mine.

As t0 my keyb0ard… yes... I want t0 be a g00d student s0 I will d0 what my teacher says… in fact I already did that even bef0re he t0ld me. I have already 0rdered a new c0mputer. I just need t0 wait because it is free. H0pefully I w0uld be writing my 6th bl0g with it.

Please G0d, let it be s00ner…,


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