Easter Sunday c0mmem0rates Jesus resurrecti0n fr0m death. It is 0ne 0f the most festive events among Christians worldwide. It is a day 0f j0y and celebrati0n.
Although Easter maintains great religious significance, many children in countries such as Australia, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom, think of it as a time to get new spring clothes, to decorate eggs and to participate in Easter egg hunts where eggs are hidden by the Easter Bunny. Some children receive Easter baskets full of candy, snacks, and presents around this time of the year.
I did n0t experience this. I 0nly heard this when I was growing up. I mean the egg hunting stuff. I grew up celebrating Easter Sunday like an 0rdinary Sunday. Wh0le family just g0ing t0 mass and then g0 h0me. When I j0ined a charismatic c0mmunity, it started t0 bec0me different. We call it The L0rd s Day. We d0 paraliturgical cerem0ny. It is like re enacting what happened 0n the last supper. Like breaking and eating 0f unleavened bread (first time f0r t0 eat unleavened bread!), drinking wine and with prayer as well. Later we w0uld eat, sing and dance, and chit chat and etc. We did n0t have egg hunting game but egg is present and s0me were dec0rated just f0r fun.
Just like the priest wh0 renewed their priestly v0ws during Chrism mass 0n H0ly Thursday, we, the faithful als0 renewed 0ur spiritual v0ws t0 G0d during Easter Sunday mass. It is like being baptized again. When we were baptized we were just babies and s0 0ur grandparents made 0r answered 0ur v0ws f0r us, but n0w it is we that says it.
But what d0es Easter means t0 me?
0ne day my 0fficemate n0ticed that all my things are alm0st c0l0ured green. My c0mb, my hair pins, my c0in purse, my press p0wder. 0h yeah! I was a little bit surprised when I n0tice it t00. I laughed. I just like green. Peri0d.
I 0nce read s0mewhere that green means h0pe. N0w it is n0 w0nder why I have l0ts 0f green things in me. (Definitely n0 green th0ughts!)
Hope is one of the basic messages of Easter. I happen t0 have l0ts 0f it. H0pe makes me live my life with meaning and with j0y. Always inspired and energized t0 face everyday challenges.
This seas0n reminds me that I really have all the reason to hope. And all my hoping is not baseless. It is all grounded on a God-man who, because of love, suffered so much, died and rose again so that we may have life to the fullest.
Happy H0peful Easter t0 every0ne!