

          "Is INRI his name?"

           I heard a little girl asked her mother after Sunday mass as we passed by the statue of Jesus crucified. These letters are found on the cross above Jesus' head.

            Instinctively, I motioned to look back to answer her when I realized I don't exactly know the meaning of it. I continued to go on my way out and started to ask my self. What answer could have I told the child? Would it be right?

            I decided to make a detour and proceeded back to the Sacristy and ask the priest what is "INRI". He said it means "the Nazarene, the king of the Jews".

            I remember when I was a child, I was wondering why they called him Jesus when INRI is on top of His head. Someone told me that was the spelling of Jesus during His time. Someone also told me the meaning of it is Jesus.

             As a child I accepted those meanings and stopped wondering. Until I started attending catechism. I have learned that those meanings were wrong. But I was no longer interested about its exact meaning. It wasn't important to me anymore. What was more important was how I slowly knew Jesus himself in my heart.

              To me, He wasn't just a Nazarene or a carpenter's son. Aside from being my GOD, I can name Him a lot.To mention some; He is my father; my brother, my best friend, my lover, my companion, my comforter, my saviour, my deliverer, my listener, my encourager, my hope, my shock absorber, my doctor, my financial adviser, my alarm clock and many others.

             He is my Superman! And when I am with Him, I become a Superwoman!

             To you, what is INRI? Who is INRI!?

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