
Notebook or Netbook...??

Finally! It is here...!

My c0Mputer n0teb00k... or netbook? I w0nder what's the difference... if there is.

I have told some friends on line and thru text about my new computer and they asked me, what is that? A notebook? Or a netbook? It made me really think. What is a netbook? I only heard about it that time.

I just told them a small computer. They never told me it's called a netbook,  just an "ah...nice!, Wow!, Congrats!"

After browsing the internet, I learned that it is a small, lightweight, legacy free, and inexpensive laptop computers and is very popular with consumers. I never had the chance to browse the net before acquiring my new Netbook.(I now call it a netbook and not notebook.)  It is only now. I just got this for free  from a telephone company where I have a two-year contract.  My contract will already expire and instead of getting a new phone for an additional two-year contract, I chose to have a netbook instead. It took me a month to wait until it's available.

Now it's here, goodbye to my agony from my old computer

Thank You, Lord!



Bl0gging Bl0cks

I have just finished reading an email fr0m my ment0r 0n 0nline marketing. The email said  ---- Please buy or clean your keyboard, if you plan on blogging - you can't use that keyboard. I will 0nly talk t0 y0u if y0u will d0 as I say.----

S0unds…. Well,… s0unds like… can n0t write it. He is just s0 right.

I have been asking a l0t 0f things and it makes me feel he is getting impatient with me already. I am sure he g0t a l0t 0f it s0 will c0ntinue t0 ask.

Indeed, if I really wanted t0 be seri0us ab0ut bl0gging, I really need t0 d0 as he says.

I have been receiving emails ab0ut 0nline Marketing c0urses and I really wanted t0 j0in but I just ign0red it. 0ne email w0uld c0me after the 0ther. Until I began t0 start l0gging in my name. Even d0ing that was difficult. I have n0t the letter after N. Thanks t0 number zer0. 0bvi0usly that is what I am using. I kn0w I need t0 use the letter but n0t the number in filling up my name. S0 thanks again t0 0ne computer functi0n 0f c0py and pasting. I am thankful I have my full name in my email addresses s0 I just c0py fr0m there.

I have been bl0gging years back but f0r s0me reas0n I st0pped. Late last year, the desire t0 write came t0 me again. Inspirati0nal th0ughts have been c0ming t0 my mind but I was just lazy. Disc0vering my keyb0ard's failure made me happy t0 have an excuse n0t t0 write again.

I just l0gged in t0 that 0nline Marketing C0urse but did n0t f0ll0w it up. F0r financial reas0n and my defective keyb0ard and my laziness t0 write, even if deep inside I really wanted t0 write. Even if s0metimes it made me guilty because I knew I am n0t using my G0d given talent.

But then….!!! …  I have t0 earn. 0f c0urse I have a stable j0b but I just need t0 earn m0re. I need t0 have a passive inc0me. And this is a very g00d 0pp0rtunity.

If there is a will there is a way. With my defective keyb0ard, I have started t0 write bl0gs again. In fact I have written and p0sted five bl0gs already. With a l0t 0f tr0uble t00. I have been res0urceful and wise. Like, I need t0 revise s0me sentences because I
can n0t make a 0ne w0rd f0r I can n0t, I will n0t, I d0 n0t, because my ap0str0phe key is n0t w0rking, and many 0ther keys. If I need puctuati0n marks, I find and patiently c0py paste s0me w0rd with puctuati0ns s0 I can have the signs and  marks that I want.

N0w I feel I am back t0 myself again. I mean, m0re at ease and relax because I am d0ing things where my passi0n is. I have an0ther 0utlet aside fr0m my j0urnal and the best thing is… I get t0 earn fr0m it in the future!  

Having learned it s0, I felt like I wanted t0 have a vacati0n fr0m w0rk and just write 0n my bl0g. I even th0ught that if 0nly bl0gging c0uld make me earn big instantly, I c0uld resign fr0m my j0b! But I believe that what y0u earn instantly will be taken fr0m y0u instantly as well, hence, I want t0 earn a l0t with my 0wn hardw0rk. T0 earn 0nline is just like that. Even m0re than that if 0ne has a keyb0ard like mine.

As t0 my keyb0ard… yes... I want t0 be a g00d student s0 I will d0 what my teacher says… in fact I already did that even bef0re he t0ld me. I have already 0rdered a new c0mputer. I just need t0 wait because it is free. H0pefully I w0uld be writing my 6th bl0g with it.

Please G0d, let it be s00ner…,


Want t0 earn 0nline t00?..  
      Just click here.


Easter Sunday Th0ughts

Easter Sunday c0mmem0rates Jesus resurrecti0n fr0m death. It is 0ne 0f the most festive events among Christians worldwide. It is a day 0f j0y and celebrati0n.

Many Christians worldwide celebrate Easter with special church services, music, candlelight, flowers and the ringing of church bells. Easter processions are held in some countries such as the Philippines and Spain.

Although Easter maintains great religious significance, many children in countries such as Australia, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom, think of it as a time to get new spring clothes, to decorate eggs and to participate in Easter egg hunts where eggs are hidden by the Easter Bunny. Some children receive Easter baskets full of candy, snacks, and presents around this time of the year.

I did n0t experience this. I 0nly heard this when I was growing up. I mean the egg hunting stuff. I grew up celebrating Easter Sunday like an 0rdinary Sunday. Wh0le family just g0ing t0 mass and then g0 h0me. When I j0ined a charismatic c0mmunity, it started t0 bec0me different. We call it The L0rd s Day. We d0 paraliturgical cerem0ny. It is like re enacting what happened 0n the last supper. Like breaking and eating 0f unleavened bread (first time f0r t0 eat unleavened bread!), drinking wine and with prayer as well. Later we w0uld eat, sing and dance, and chit chat and etc. We did n0t have egg hunting game but egg is present and s0me were dec0rated just f0r fun.

Just like the priest wh0 renewed their priestly v0ws during Chrism mass 0n H0ly Thursday, we, the faithful als0 renewed 0ur spiritual v0ws t0 G0d during Easter Sunday mass. It is like being baptized again. When we were baptized we were just babies and s0 0ur grandparents made 0r answered 0ur v0ws f0r us, but n0w it is we that says it.

But what d0es Easter means t0 me?

0ne day my 0fficemate n0ticed that all my things are alm0st c0l0ured green. My c0mb, my hair pins, my c0in purse, my press p0wder. 0h yeah! I was a little bit surprised when I n0tice it t00. I laughed. I just like green. Peri0d.

I 0nce read s0mewhere that green means h0pe. N0w it is n0 w0nder why I have l0ts 0f green things in me. (Definitely n0 green th0ughts!)

Hope is one of the basic messages of Easter. I happen t0 have l0ts 0f it. H0pe makes me live my life with meaning and with j0y. Always inspired and energized t0 face everyday challenges.

This seas0n reminds me that I really have all the reason to hope. And all my hoping is not baseless. It is all grounded on a God-man who, because of love, suffered so much, died and rose again so that we may have life to the fullest.

Happy H0peful Easter t0 every0ne!


G00d Friday Pr0cessi0n

Semana Santa (H0ly Week 0r Easter Week in English), is the m0st imp0rtant date in the Christian Calendar. It c0mmem0rates the life and death 0f Jesus Christ -- His passi0n and resurrecti0n.

Semana Santa is 0bserved in different ways thr0ugh0ut the c0untry. Vari0us traditi0ns and rites ab0und t0 celebrate this sacred week. In s0me parts 0f the c0untry, it is celebrated with s0lemn pr0cessi0n 0f tableaux depicting epis0des fr0m the Way 0f the Cr0ss and statues 0f D0l0r0sa - M0st S0rr0wful M0ther -- and 0ther significant female characters in the bible that were present during the passi0n 0f Jesus.

This event happens 0n G00d Friday 0r Biernes Sant0. In l0cal dialect we call these tableaux 0r carriages as pas0. A pr0cessi0n is held in the street where pe0ple g0es behind these carriages. A gr0up 0f pe0ple prays the r0sary with s0ngs in between decades.

The pr0cessi0n starts with St. Peter.

St. Peter - the gate keeper 0f heaven.

Why d0 m0st pe0ple g0 with St. Peter?  N0, its n0t that they wanted t0 enter heaven ahead 0f every0ne.
It is s0 that they c0uld see all the carriages after their pr0cessi0n, since St. Peter is the first carriage. This makes him have the l0ngest line 0f pe0ple. S0 being a spectat0r, y0u have t0 wait a while bef0re y0u c0uld see the next carriage.  

Jesus at the garden 0f Getsemani
 I walked bef0re this carriage t0night. The line 0f pe0ple was s0 l0ng. The walk was s0 sl0w. The atm0sphere was that pe0ple was really having a religi0us pr0cessi0n. Many were praying the r0sary al0ud and s0me , including me, pray silently.  I like praying al0ne silently because I c0uld meditate m0re.  I get s0 exhausted reciting it and gets sh0rt 0f breath after.  

0ne reality that can n0t be denied and ign0red is that s0me pe0ple just d0 n0t pray but instead have chit chats with friends, especially the teens, during prcessi0n. It can be disturbing t0 m0st but it is 0ne big distructi0n, 0ne, including me, has t0 bear. An0ther sacrifice aside fr0m walking.

The Last Supper
Jesus c0mf0rted by an angel

Judas m0ving 0n t0 kiss Jesus

Jesus in fr0nt 0f P0ntius Pilate

Jesus in the Pillar 0f st0nes
Jesus resting after heavy beatings

Jesus falls f0r the first time
Jesus meeting w0men

Jesus with Sim0n f Cyrene

Jesus carrying the cr0ss with guards beating Him

The face 0f Jesus 0n Ver0nica s handkerchief
Jesus falls the sec0nd time

Jesus carrying the cr0ss
Jesus stripped 0ff His garemnts

Jesus nailed t0 the cr0ss with the thieves
0ne 0f these thieves are literally a pr0fessi0nal thief even unt0 death! Stealing heaven at that. But, 0f c0urse, it was n0t in his mind when he asked Jesus t0 take him with Him. 

Jesus with His m0ther

Jesus empty cr0ss
The dead b0dy 0f Jesus
It is nice t0 f0ll0w this carriage because in here y0u alms0t never st0p praying until y0u enter the church. This is where the Bish0p and priests and seminarians f0ll0w. A real religi0us pr0cessi0n fr0m the beginning t0 end. Unlike in alm0st all carriages. when it is nearing the church it is n0 l0nger a pr0cessi0n but a marath0n. Pe0ple are tired and in a hurry t0 g0 h0me and eat and rest.    

Beautiful carriages can be seen during the pr0cessi0n but bef0re it arrives in the church, pe0ple f0rcibly takes all the fl0wers and leaves believing it is already blessed. I wish I c0uld make pe0ple st0p thinking like that. But it has bec0me a traditi0nal belief 0f many. S0me keep it as medicine, anting-anting, and etc. Hence, it can be 0bserved that s0me carriages have plastic fl0wers and 0nly few real 0nes. Well, 0f c0urse f0r ec0n0mic reas0ns. They can use it again and again.

In 0ne place that I lived bef0re, it is 0nly the fl0wers in the St0. Intier0 carriage that pe0ple w0uld get and s0 carriage 0wners lavishly dec0rates their carriages with expensive fl0wers. Real fl0wers and n0t plastic.

Every place has indeed its unique way 0f  0bserving Semana Santa... R0xas City included...

This is 0ne traditi0nal event I am thankful f0r where I am able t0 share in Jesus sufferings.


Bisita Iglesia

 T0day is H0ly Thursday.

A day 0f the year that I w0uld l00k f0rward where I get t0 attend  mass with a l0t 0f priests. They say that 0ne priest is equivalent t0 0ne mass. Imagine h0w many masses I w0uld have attended in just an h0ur 0r tw0. It w0uld have saved me fr0m attending mass daily.But 0f c0urse I d0nt c0nsider it like that, it is the blessings that I c0unt when I attend the Chrism Mass. 0ne blessing is equivalent t0 0ne priest. I remember advising a friend bef0re, a seafarer, that if their vacati0ns falls 0n this days, they w0uld make sure t0 attend this mass because they are unable t0 attend 0ne at sea.   

I cant help missing 0ne mem0rable traditi0n that I make with my br0thers and sisters, friends and relatives... *-)))))

Every H0ly Thursday during lent als0 kn0wn as Semana Santa 0r Cuaresma, it has been the traditi0n 0f the Filipin0 Cath0lic faithful t0 d0 the Visita Iglesia, literally, church visit. This practice intr0duced by the Spanish c0l0nizers g0es back t0 the time 0f the early church where Christians w0uld visit seven great basilicas in R0me f0r the ad0rati0n 0f the Blessed Sacrament during Maundy Thursday.

F0r us Filipin0s, it is n0t 0nly the Blessed Sacrament but a c0ntemplati0n 0f the f0urteen stati0ns 0f the cr0ss. Traditi0nally seven churches are visited where tw0 stati0ns were prayed per visit. While 0thers, with m0re time and eff0rt visit f0urteen.

This was als0 0ur practice years back. T0gether with my friends in the Y0uth Charismatic c0mmunity where I bel0ng, we w0uld visit churches fr0m Panay, P0ntevedra, Bailan, Panit-an, Luct0gan, and tw0 churches in the City - Mt. Carmel and the Immaculate C0ncepci0n Cathedral. The f0llowing years we w0uld visit churches that we have n0t visited fr0m the previ0us year.  It was fun and a very mem0rable experience.

I remember, I w0uld make a special prayer in every church that we visited. They say a wish is surely granted in the church that 0ne has visited f0r the first time. H0nestly i did n0t n0tice it. I did n0t keep track 0f it s0 I d0 n0t kn0w if it is true.  

T0night is different. F0r the past several years n0w, I w0uld 0nly visit tw0 churches.

Immaculate C0ncepci0n Cathedral
Mt. Carmel Church

While visiting their churches, I prayed the Stati0ns 0f the Cr0ss and j0ined the r0sary with the gr0up that was having a vigil. I enj0yed the s0lemnity 0f the atm0sphere. I got t0 see 0ld friends, t00. Th0se that I have n0t seen f0r years.

I w0nder h0w many churches will I w0uld be able t0 visit again next year?...

I will bl0g it here next year.....

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