
Simple Lessons

I didn’t report for work today. I have sore eyes. Times like this, I can’t help feeling happy too. I get to spend time for myself. Although it’s uncomfortable. But I get to have a very valid reason to stop working and rest. 

Another person that is happy I am sick is my sister. She gets to go out and attend to her other daughter’s need and leave her youngest daughter with me.

Hmmm… sounds like I still have work…. a nanny.  

Well, at least for this moment I have no work and get to write. Keri is asleep. She just had her first day at a Day Care center today. She was excited showing me her work and told me what they had done. Of course, less her mischief. Like throwing away her own food and demanding her classmates’ food which ended her not eating anything with her snack.  On the way home, my sister told her it was not right to ask for her classmates’ food and promised her they would bring snacks like them the next day.  

My three-year old niece has a lot to learn and her lesson starts now, and the lessons will continue and won’t stop as long as she lives.

…. And so with mine…

Lessons I learned in a lot of different ways. Hard and easy way,  funny and corny way, victorious and embarrassing way.


My cousin died several weeks ago. I have written about her in my previous blog, Hair Rebonding.
I was happy she has finally rested. I didn’t cry over her death but the way she died. I was a little bit envious and wished I would leave life like she did, that is, leaving  with Jesus on her side.

On her burial, I took it upon myself to be the official photographer and videower (it’s my unique description for someone who takes video footage). I have a digital camera on my left hand (lent by a cousin) and an N70 cellphone on my right. I have taken videos on two family burials and I learned that, when taking videos, I must move my cellphone slowly so that when it is viewed on the big screen, the viewers won’t get dizzy. Unfortunately, one thing I haven’t mastered yet. The clicking of ‘pause’ and ‘continue’ key.  There were moments when I forgot to press the ‘pause’ key or didn’t press it well, that the coverage went on with my shoes, grasses and roads as the view. There was also an important moment when I thought I was taking videos already when in fact I forgot to press ‘continue’.

The next time I have to be a videower, I have to watch these keys carefully.


Everytime we eat fruits, I and my sister throw the seeds in the small improvised pots I made and let it grow. One time, we noticed a lot of young plants sprouting in one of our pots and we could no longer recognize what it is since we have thrown more than one kind of seeds in the pot. We waited for it to grow more but still we could not recognize it. Until one time, it occurred to me to ask my mother. And, Hola! She recognized it as Papaya.

I was so eager to grow a malunggay tree. I was so excited when two grew out of the four seeds that we hid under the soil. One plant was growing faster than the other one. When my mother visited I proudly showed it to her. She laughed. The higher plant was not a malunggay tree but just one of the weeds in the forest.

I planted an eggplant last year and it was only last two months ago that I finally get to eat its fruit. I was happy to notice one eggplant sprouted in one of our pots. One day my neighbor told me it was a tobacco.  I was surprised how I got it. She said maybe the birds dropped it there. So that is why it hasn’t grown a flower for a long time.

The next time I had a problem recognizing my plants, I know whom to ask.


I recall last week, I just put a friend in a lion’s den. Well that is how I would want to describe it. In my desire to help others, I made her do something that placed her in a situation where she was hurt and I felt guilty. Actually it was an honest mistake on my part because I wasn’t told of what is the appropriate thing to do on one particular job.  I was already forgiven but the guilt still lingered until I discovered I haven’t forgiven myself yet.  On my knees and in the presence of God I prayed for the grace to forgive myself and be at peace.

What's most important is that God loves me and accepts me with all my warts and flaws.


Lessons… for sure there is more to come. 

I am still under construction, and God’s way of building me is through lessons.

I just need a humble heart and willingness to learn.

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