

One early morning I received an SMS from a friend. He was asking a prayer for his product presentation in front of possible clients.  I didn’t help myself from smiling and I said to myself, “Now it’s his turn.

I answered back to him what he told me when I was in his shoes.

Years back I also asked this friend for a prayer. I would be playing the guitar during a prayer vigil in a retreat seminar. What he texted back struck me.

He said,” Manang Betty, you have been playing the guitar for years, and now you will only play for an hour. Don’t worry. You can handle it”.

A cyberfriend  also told me I don’t need luck, I have lots of it.

Boy, they have so much trust in me, than I am on myself!  They seem to know me that much.

I felt good and inspired with what they said and my guitar concert went very well.

What they said also brought me to my senses and I was recently reminded of it again.

It is alright to ask God’s help in everything that I do but, but sometimes I can’t help becoming like a baby. I get used to crawling and forget that I can already stand on my own.

Sometimes, I lose confidence with myself.  I forget I already know things. I get pessimistic.  I focus on my weaknesses. I focus on negative things which makes me feel afraid and forget about trusting myself.

And it would take other people to make me see that, hey, I have grown up.

This is true with my relationship with God.

Sometimes I become so worried about myself being so bad I might end up in hell. 

I would sometimes think that whatever bad things that happened to my life is caused by my mistakes and wrong decisions and hence, I am going to suffer for the rest of my life.

I get paranoid.

Thank God for these kinds of friends. Made me realize  that I am a child of God and that He is crazy, and desperately in love with me that He would make everything well for me.  

Isn’t it great having that kind of a crazy God?

Well, he doesn’t know I’m crazier in love with Him, than He does for me…! 

Hmmm….. I think it is more like the other way around…..! *:-))))

God Bless You!
                                                            --- --- ---

*Manang, is a local name for an elder sister.

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