
Wealth Belief

God wants us to live life to the full and have it abundantly. He wanted to bless us more than we know.  But actually we don’t really believe Him. Unconsciously we only pray for the things that we think we deserve. We give limitations to God’s providence. We tend to equate our sins with the blessing we receive. We don’t believe we can achieve our dreams and be wealthy despite our weaknesses. With this kind of belief, no matter what we do, we don’t get what we really wanted. 

I am not immune to this belief also.  Even now I am still struggling to eradicate, if not completely, this wrong belief that I have.  For a few years now, I have been making a special daily exercise to help me with and it is superbly working.  (See my related blogs, Word Power and Say Your Future.)

Below is a copied wealth belief from a famous preacher and writer.  I just made little revisions in it. I was happy when he mentioned it can be copied because I can’t think of what my personal wealth belief should be at that time. My other motive is that, I wanted to become like him, so maybe it would be great to pray just as he does, or to pray what he prays and be blessed as he would be! (Wise thought, huh?)


1.       I am God’s beloved and it is His great happiness to bless me.
2.       God’s river of blessings is flowing to me at every moment of my life
3.       Everything I need comes to me
4.       I am always meeting wonderful people that bless me and make me grow
5.       I am blessed with great relationships
6.       I am anointed by God to serve and bless the world
7.       I inspire every person I meet, talk and smile at
8.       I am a brilliant and wise investor and entrepreneur
9.       I am a fantastic communicator
10.   Money is flowing to me in great abundance
11.   I can earn any amount I choose
12.   I’m a blessing magnet
13.   I am guided by God at every moment

God gave us wisdom and knowledge that we may use to reach our dreams. Let us not be easily diswayed by our wrong belief of ourselves. God created us better than we thought we are.We just have to be open to His promptings so we become like what He has created us to be.

May yours and my dreams come true!

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